Its true, people in South Africa are dying from AIDS. South Africa has the largest number of infected people living with HIV estimated at over 5.7 million. The national prevalence rate is around 12%. Yet there is something else going on in South Africa and across the developing world that is not receiving as much attention as it should and that is the rise of Chronic Diseases. These include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases.

Here are some facts about Diabetes:
- Today 300 million people worldwide have diabetes.
- 10,000 people die everyday from diabetes - that is double the amount of people dying
- 10,000 people die everyday from diabetes - that is double the amount of people dying
from AIDS
- In sub-Saharan Africa 12.1 million people are estimated to have diabetes, with only 15%
- In sub-Saharan Africa 12.1 million people are estimated to have diabetes, with only 15%
- By 2030 23.9 million adults in sub-Saharan Africa will have diabetes - more than the
- By 2030 23.9 million adults in sub-Saharan Africa will have diabetes - more than the
number of people that currently have HIV.
In South Africa, an epidemiological transition is taking place with a shift in disease burden from infectious diseases such as HIV and TB to chronic diseases. With the change in eating patterns, and rural to urban migration, many of the new urban poor are now encountering a “double burden” of disease. Not only do they continue to be susceptible to infectious disease, but with the availability of nutrient poor but calorically dense food, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, they are at increased risk for obesity and developing chronic diseases.

In response to the facts, Project HOPE is taking a leading role in addressing this crisis. Since 1998 Project HOPE realised that this problem was only going to get worse and began addressing it before anyone else in providing training to healthcare professionals in China, India, Mexico, New Mexico, and now South Africa.
The HOPE Centre project, is our response to this crisis in South Africa. Please check back regularly to see how we are getting on.
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